601 Leverington Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19128
Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm
Available for Tours (by Appt.)

Our History

Who We Are:

The Roxborough Home for Women was established in 1887 by the will of Samuel Gorgas to provide quality care and services for women of reduced financial means. Roxborough Home for Women continues today as a non-profit community providing superior personal care services in a nurturing, caring, and homelike environment.

Roxborough Home for Women is a Personal Care Home. It was designed by the prestigious architectural firm of Furness and Evans, and constructed by the builder Sylvester Yardley. The Home was built in the Victorian style from local Philadelphia stone. The Gorgas family set-up a generous endowment to sustain the operation of the Home. The Roxborough Home for Women has been serving the community since opening its doors in 1887.

The Roxborough Home for Women is a member of the Southeastern Regional Caregivers Alliance, managed by a Board of Directors, is a non-profit facility with no state or federal funding, and solely operates through donations and the Gorgas family endowment.

Our belief is that such surroundings create a lifestyle in which each woman’s dignity is respected and her individuality is valued; a lifestyle that preserves her independence but in which she is never alone. We strive continuously to maintain our high-performance standards by providing our residents with a skilled, professional staff that gets to know each woman independently; daily activities that provide mental stimulation, socialization and exercise classes; and nourishing meals that meet the physical requirements to encourage our Ladies to be their best possible selves.


Roxborough Home for Women is a 501(c)(3) private charitable foundation that depends entirely on the endowment established at its founding in 1887. We rely on charitable giving, business sponsors, and other donations to support the financial needs of our home.

See Our 2023 Financial Statement